
Hi! I’m Laura! I am so glad that you stopped by!

I live in Northeast Ohio with my supportive and fun-loving husband Matt. We have three children who fill our lives with joy, fun, humor, and a lot of prayer. Although they are young, I can see how the Lord has crafted each of them uniquely and differently. This stage of life is filled full with all the busyness of life: from the small everyday moments of motherhood to church happenings, to family commitments and extracurriculars, but God in His grace always meets me where and when I need Him.

I’ll always remember when I was in 7th grade having a horrible teacher and thinking to myself, “I could do this better.” As arrogant as that was for a 12-year-old, God was planting seeds in my life to love the art and craft of teaching. As I grew up, those seeds began to sprout. I loved being up front and telling others about what I learned. It just came naturally to me. Thus, when college time rolled around, I knew with certainty that I would go into education.

It was during those loud and untethered college years when God in His great love and mercy for me took hold of my heart. It was there where Jesus no longer was an ideal, far-off stranger but became my personal and real savior. It was there that I realized that my love for teaching should be used to glorify Him and not myself.

After college, I married my college sweetheart Matt and a mere two months later began teaching. I taught for 5 years in a middle school setting, and I loved it. I enjoyed crafting lesson plans and designing curriculum maps. I loved the collaboration and comradery from my coworkers and, most deeply, the rapport and relationships that developed with my students.

With the birth of our first child, we decided for me to stay home. It was during these little years of our children’s lives that God gave me a deeper passion for His word and a new desire to teach it to other women. In 2018, I started leading Women’s Bible Study Tables at my local church and relished in the deep and thoughtful conversations about God that I was privileged to share with other women. In the fall of 2019, which was shortly after the birth of our third child, I was asked to join my church’s women’s teaching team as a volunteer to teach women in our congregation the Bible. Since then, I have taught numerous Bible studies including: Seamless, Colossians, 1&2 Samuel, Matthew, Habakkuk, and 1&2 Peter. And in Spring 2022 I co-wrote a three-week (summer) study “Overview of the Bible”.

I’m always humbled by the big and little ways the Lord shows Himself to me as I study and meditate on His word. It is my joy, passion, and desire to share those insights with others – whether that be in everyday conversations, writing, or speaking.

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